Sound Shapes

  • There is a free lesson plan in Lynn Kleiner's Music Box for Sound Shapes. Look in downloards under Special Lessons. In the forum, under questions for Lynn, there are tips on what kind of Sound Shapes to buy and what to do if you don't have quite enough for the entire class.   Teachers who email questions to will now find answers in Lynn Kleiner's Music Box and a message will be sent to them when their answer has been posted. All Music Box members are welcome and encouraged to comment to any topics. Its been helpful to all of us to read the comments so far.



1 comment
  • Lynn Kleiner
    Lynn Kleiner Holiday music lesson plans after those holiday concerts can be festive and fun with percussion circles. Place sound shapes, assorted percussion, drums on the edge of a parachute. The parachute will keep your music makers in a circle (tell them you don...  more
    November 30, 2012