orff instruments

  • Hola Lynn, I am teaching in Colombia, and my colleague and I were discussing the need for replacing some of our Orff instruments.  The Orff instruments available here are locally made and do not have the sound quality that we would like to have. We are looking at purchasing from the US, but because shipping costs are so high, we would like to find a good quality but still reasonably priced brand. Could you recommend one or more brands that could suit our needs?

    Thank you so much, Bonnie Tomm

1 comment
  • Karen Pajak likes this
  • Lynn Kleiner
    Lynn Kleiner Shopping for Orff instruments in Colombia is foreign to me, I do not know the best brand you have available there. Here in the USA, I personally prefer Sonor instruments. The top of the line (not the primary line) is fantastic. I have had some for over...  more
    March 24, 2015